Job Description
Financial Analyst (Capital Management)
Posting Start Date:  21/11/2024
Job Function:  Finance & Accounting
Company:  PTT Global Chemical Plc.
Work Location:  Bangkok

Job Summary

- Conduct/monitor financial plan including providing sources of fund intimely manner for corporate and subsidiaries to ensure that it has sufficientfund to smooth operation,

- Monitor and manage Financial Agreements/Terms and Conditions relatingto bond issuance with Financial institutions and related parties. Managing activities include principal repayment, interest payment and to comply with covenants,

- Conduct/monitor the intercompany loans by planning and allocating capital structure and manage the loan facility, make interest payment and loan repayment as well as facilitate and support subsidiaries ti solve its financial problems for example the debt restructuring,

- Conduct financial due diligence, review finance documents and relateddocuments within timeline,

- Involve in Investment Decision Making Process (IDM) for new investments,

- Perform integration activities for M and A companies for scope of financing activities to ensure smooth operation after acquisition date

Job Description

Set up Long term debt financing planning and debt capital structure including responsible for funding approval process and negotiating with the financial institutions

- Analyze the forecast of the company’s cash flows

- Scrutinized and design the capital structure

- Monitor and keep updated on the capital markets

- Seek approval in funding procurement

- Contact and coordinate with financial institutions and related parties

- Negotiate with financial institutions and related parties on the financial agreements Manage/supervise Financial Agreements/Term and Conditions relating to bond issuance with Financial institutions and related parties. Managing activities include principal repayment, interest payment and to comply with covenants under suchagreement

- Monitor on interest payment and other related financial expenses

- Monitor and ensure that financial covenants are met Closely monitor/supervise the company’s financial status

- Monitor and send financial information or related information as agreed in the financing agreements Monitor and supervise subsidiaries in terms of loan procurement, which include preparation and manages of loan agreement, principal repayment and interest payment

- Analyze financial statements

- Study and understand the possibility of projects and markets

- Advise and assist subsidiaries in preparing the Loan Agreements and facilitate/help the subsidiaries in negotiating with lenders Review and Monitor the financial status of subsidiary

- Monitor and analyze Financial Statements and relevant financial ratios

- Monitor and analyze the subsidiaries’ project’s progress

- Cooperate with Portfolio Management Division and other related divisions to comment and come up with an agreed strategy regarding investment projects

- Scrutinize financial statements and comment on the relevancy and appropriateness of capital drawdownM and A and integration activites

- Conduct financial due diligence, review financial documents and related documents within timeline,

- Perform integration activities for M and A companies for scope of financing activities to ensure smooth operation after acquisition date


Bachelor to Master Degree Business Administration with concentration in Finance, Accounting, Economics or other related Fields


Minimum Year - At least 1-5 years, experience in finance function